Wednesday, 26 January 2011

Contents Page Analysis 1

The content page for vibe magazine main image consists of the globally recognised rapper Kanye West. One of the main features that stand out in this main image is the hand across him with the red heart; this is significant as it can relate to the readers as she is trying to win over Kanye West's heart this content page is also trying to win over the reader’s heart and interest the reader and encourage them to buy it. Also the colour red contrasts with the other colours such as black, grey and blue theses colours are very dull and suggests unhappiness, depression and misery whereas the colour red suggests passion, love and danger. Kanye’s facial expression relate to the dull colours consistently used as he looks expressionless. Kanye clothes also adhere with the colours used in the background as he is wearing a greyish jacket and t-shirt this looks very stylish and will attract many young people who are the target market for this magazine as fashion is growing more popular amongst the youths therefore pay more attention to trends and are encourage to buy this magazine as it not only offers them music but fashion as well. One of the main sections of the magazine is also based around fashion as it suggests at the bottom left corner of the content page, this implies that fashion is apart of music and has increased popularity therefore vibe have successful identified a trend and incorporated it in their music magazine to attract young people. Kanye also uses direct address to involve the reader and encourage them to by the magazine by using eye contact.
At the back of the main image there is a large “v” this refers to vibe magazine as the logo is “v” this is very effective as it is catchy therefore helps the audience remember the magazine and as a result buy it in the future.

One the right there is a list of where to find pages of articles it is in big black font therefore making it clear and easy for the audience to read. The instructions provided are fairly simple as it tells you the article involved and the numbers needed to find the page you would like. It also has sub-sections; Features and Fashion. This makes navigation easier as the reader can easily find what they want much easier. This section of the content page is quite small as the main image takes up most of the page as it is very eye catching so the audience ca immediately see the main image and be drawn in it is there to attract the target audience and persuade them to buy it. The title of the page “content” is not written in a straight line it starts a new line twice throughout the word this stands out as it is written in big bold black font and is very effective as it makes this magazine very original and unique which might attract potential customers as it is going against the normality which young people are often drawn to.

In the bottom right hand corner of the page, there are a couple of bullet points explaining the pictures on the front cover and also the contents page. It tells you the artist’s name and where the picture was taken, etc. this extra information might be useful to people who like extra knowledge and are fans of Kanye West or this piece of photography.

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