Wednesday 2 February 2011

Double page spread analysis 1

This double page spread consistently draws connotations to USA. This is because the main image is of the British band Florence and the Machine, who have enjoyed recent success in America. Florence and the Machine's sound has been described as a combination of various genres, including rock and soul. Therefore they relate to a wide mainstream audience this is essential as NME magazine aims to appeal to a wide mainstream audience so Florence and the Machine are essential in appealing to the wide audience. Florence is wearing a short black dress and large black heels this attract the female audience as they are often fashion conscious and a growing number of women are more interested in fashion in this day and age they would be drawn to this magazine as Florence is very stylish and on trend . Florence is sitting on the American flag which again relates to the USA and her new found fame there, her bright red hair is similar to the bright red stripes on the American flag this suggests power, passion and strength which Florence and the USA have in common, this may be why she gained success there. The Camera angle of the shot allows the audience to see her full body which gives them the opportunity to see her clothes as she is a fashion icon for many this shot also suggests that Florence is very powerful and in control as she is high up the frame this relates to the red colour of her hair and the American flag as they all connote power and danger.
In the background USA is written in Big bold font this again reinforces Florence and the Machines success there and is also making buyers aware of her new found success abroad which may encourage people to buy the magazine even if they might be unsure of who Florence and the Machine are if they have success in America they must be quite good as it is often hard to gain success there. At the beginning of the article it suggests that Florence and the Machine are internationally successful “with America at her feet” this relates to the use of the flag as it represents America and it is at Florence’s feet.
In the back ground it reads 'You got the love' which draws connotations to one of there most successful songs this helps the audience identify the band and trigger their memory if they previously found it difficult to recognise them, also she is sat on the USA flag, which shows she loves the USA and USA “got the love“ for her which is why she is she is successful there. Even though she was born in England, the point of this magazine being published, she had just had a hit in America, which is the likely reason for her implying she loves America and America loves her. The image takes up most of the spaces in this double page spread is it gives the audience an idea of what the article holds the font used for the article is black this make’s it clear and easy for the audience to read.

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